Educational research in Argentina: impact of policies on science and technology on two State agencies, ANPCYT and CONICET


  • Karina-Fabiana Lastra Universidad Nacional de San Martin



educational research, higher education, science policy, social sciences, Argentina.


The article attempts to make a description of the impact of educational research in Argentina, from the analysis of two state agencies, the Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica (ANPCYT- National Agency for Scientific and Technological Promotion) and the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET- National Council of Scientific and Technical Research). The study period covers from 2000 to 2015, and some public policy guidelines on science and technology and their impact on educational research are analyzed, considering the basis of professional researchers and scholars, as well as projects funded. To this end, regulations have been consulted from both agencies, databases, management reports and other official statistical indicators. Significant changes are observed in the legal frameworks governing both institutions, in addition to a significant increase in funding various research, as well as in the number of researchers and scholars. However, the impact on educational research in particular, presents conflictive results regarding scientific production levels and consolidation and expansion of a base of specialists in this area. 


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Author Biography

Karina-Fabiana Lastra, Universidad Nacional de San Martin

Profesora Adjunta Regular de la Cátedra Pedagogía I, UNSAM, Argentina. Investigadora en el Centro de Estudios Interdisciplinarios en  Educación, Cultura y Sociedad, UNSAM.




How to Cite

Lastra, K.-F. (2017). Educational research in Argentina: impact of policies on science and technology on two State agencies, ANPCYT and CONICET. Revista Iberoamericana De Educación Superior, 8(21).


