Young people today: approaches, issues and challenges


  • Yamith José Fandiño Parra Universidad de la Salle



young people, definition, approaches, issues, challenges, empowerment


Being able to look beyond the way of speaking and behavior of young people implies the knowledge of approaches by means of which they can be sized, their issues and challenges can be redefined and thinking of plausible forms to strengthen their power and decision making. Regardless of the approach, the definition of youth cannot be restricted to a stage of physical, cognitive or social development, or to positioning them in a historical and cultural context. It should be possible to include different variables, aspects and factors that represent and shape young people not only as a stage of socialization but as a period to construct subjectivity, regulate behavior and develop skills. In face of the complexity and scope of the topic, this reflection covers some aspects of the concept of youth, describes representations employed to address youth, discusses certain approaches, difficulties and challenges of young people today and presents a proposal based on empowerment.


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Author Biography

Yamith José Fandiño Parra, Universidad de la Salle

Master’s in Teaching from La Salle University and Philologist in English from the National University of Colombia. Researcher and professor of the Spanish, English and French Bachelor’s degree courses at La Salle University. Research topics: teaching and learning of foreign languages, action research, learning strategies, teacher training, youth and education.



How to Cite

Fandiño Parra, Y. J. (2011). Young people today: approaches, issues and challenges. Revista Iberoamericana De Educación Superior, 2(4).


