Tensions in the Reform to the Higher Education Quality Assurance System in Chile


  • Mario Alarcón Universidad Diego Portales
  • Małgorzata Dzimińska Universidad de Łódź




quality, higher education, Chile, reform, tensions


This study highlights the key tensions that have arisen as a result of the reform of the higher education quality assurance system in Chile with the introduction of a new law. Tensions between institutional autonomy and state control; the universal research university model and the diversity of institutional missions; and external versus internal quality assurance systems. A systematic literature review was carried out including legislative acts and peer-reviewed scientific articles. The authors conclude that these tensions may be symptomatic of the lack of a cohesive vision of quality in higher education in Chile. The introduction of the new legislation has pushed the system back in the direction of the compliance quality model, increasing tensions due to disempowerment, questioned autonomy and eroded reliance in academics.


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Author Biographies

Mario Alarcón, Universidad Diego Portales

Chileno. Doctor en Educación Superior, Universidad de Leiden, Países Bajos. Integrante de la Cátedra UNESCO Sistemas y Políticas Comparadas de Educación Superior, Universidad Diego Portales, Chile. Temas de investigación: gobernanza del sistema de educación superior, gobierno universitario, gestión del trabajo académico. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3939-724X.

Małgorzata Dzimińska, Universidad de Łódź

Polaca. Doctora en Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Ciencias Sociales, Varsovia, Polonia. Profesora asistente, Facultad de Economía y Sociología, Universidad de Łódź, Polonia. Temas de investigación:  garantía de calidad, gestión del conocimiento, uso de datos para la mejora educativa y la formulación de políticas, comunicación científica e investigación participativa basada en la comunidad. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7998-8178.



How to Cite

Alarcón, M., & Dzimińska, M. (2023). Tensions in the Reform to the Higher Education Quality Assurance System in Chile. Revista Iberoamericana De Educación Superior, 14(41), 94–112. https://doi.org/10.22201/iisue.20072872e.2023.41.1582


